Wednesday, August 6, 2008

New Releases: August 6, 2008

Atheism Remix: A Christian Confronts the New Atheists
R. Albert Mohler Jr.
Crossway, August 2008

Wanting to both inform and equip serious-minded Christians regarding the cultural shift toward atheism, R. Albert Mohler Jr. explores the environment that has bred the “new atheism” while also introducing readers to the movement’s four leading thinkers and the contours of their arguments. Mohler—deemed “the reigning intellectual of the evangelical movement in the US” by Time magazine—then uses this foundation to pinpoint eight major distinctives that make the new atheism new, and to discuss the future of Christianity in relationship to it.

You Were Made For More
Jim Cymbala
Zondervan, August 2008

Whether you feel restless or satisfied right now, Jim Cymbala believes that God has more for you. In this new book, he helps readers find out how to access the more God intends--more peace, real joy, and a deeper sense of purpose. As you open yourself up to the more of God, you will also discover your unique work assignment--the one thing God is calling you--and no one else--to accomplish for the sake of his work in the world.

Overcoming Your Shadow Mission
John Ortberg
Zondervan, July 2008

With characteristic humor and insight, author and pastor John Ortberg invites us to follow the biblical story of Esther and her example to courageously choose to embrace the mission God gives. Like Esther, we can lead without fear--even in threatening circumstances--because we know God is always at work in unseen, unknown, and unlikely ways. Part of the Leadership Library.

1 comment:

  1. You Were Made for More
